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Resources Tab

There are internal and external resources. Internal resources are your employees that use DealerChoice. You define internal resources in the Users database by going to the Resources tab when editing an existing user. An external resource can be any vendor in your vendor database that you designate here as a resource.

Typically, you add an entry in the Resources tab for vendors that you use for installation, warehousing services, painting, electrical work, etc. An external resource is any vendor that you use as a sub-contractor. The only difference between a vendor in your vendor database and a vendor defined as a Resource is that you can use a vendor defined as a Resource on Work Orders.

Work Orders allow you to bundle several resources (or vendors) services into a single line item on proposals. This feature allows you to hide the individual vendor names and individual line items for each service on your proposals.

Once a work order is created and imported as a line item on your proposal, DealerChoice will still create a purchase order for each vendor assigned to the Work Order. See the Work Orders section of this document for details on creating work orders.

Of course, you can still create a proposal line item for each vendor that you use on a project.

image SysConfigResourcesTab.JPG

The example above shows the Resources tab in System Configuration that lists two existing resources.

Resource Tab Column Titles Description
Resource Name The resource name is the name that you assign to the vendor. It should describe the type of work that this resource provides, i.e. Installers, Painters, Electrical, etc.
Vendor This is the actual vendor that provides the service from your vendor database.
Active This flag allows you to make resources available (active) or not available (inactive) for use in creating work orders.

image SysConfigResourcesDetail.JPG

The example above shows the Create a New Resource window. When creating a new Resource, you link the resource name to a vendor in your database. The link to a vendor in your vendor database allows DealerChoice to generate a purchase order for this vendor when it is used on a Work Order.

The resource feature also allows you to enter a cost price and sell price per resource. This gives you the flexibility to mark up your resource sell amounts before the work order is forwarded on to be imported into proposals. This creates an internal revenue center for resources where the cost amount is lower than the sell amount.

Create A New Resource Fields Description
Resource Name * As noted above, the resource name is a descriptive name that describes the type of service that this resource provides, such as Installers, Painters, Project Management, etc).
Active? If the Active check box is checked, then this resource can be used in Work Orders. If the Active check box is not checked, the resource cannot be used in Work Orders.
Vendor This field is used to link the Resource Name to an actual vendor in your vendor database. This association must be made for all resources (internal and external) so DealerChoice can generate a purchase order for this resource.
Hourly Cost This field is optional. Enter the actual amount that this vendor charges you per hour for this resource.
Hourly Sell This field is optional. The amount entered here will be the COST amount that appears in the work order line when it is imported into proposals.
Daily Cost This field is optional. Enter the actual amount that this vendor charges you per day for this resource.
Daily Sell This field is optional. The amount entered here will be the COST amount that appears in the work order line when it is imported into proposals.
Half Day Cost This field is optional. Enter the actual amount that this vendor charges you per half hour for this resource.
Half Day Sell This field is optional. The amount entered here will be the COST amount that appears in the work order line when it is imported into proposals.
Save Resource Button Click on the Save Resource button to save your changes.
Delete Resource Button Click on the Delete Resource button to delete an existing resource. Resources
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